Conversation AI

Leverage AI to transcribe calls, create call summaries, and identify customers who need immediate follow up.

Every phone call is an opportunity to make — or break — a customer relationship. Reviewing calls from the past few days and identifying which customers need additional follow-up takes so much time. Are you missing out on opportunities because you don’t have a simple and efficient follow-up process?

Conversation AI allows you to quickly and efficiently review all inbound and outbound calls within your CRM using full transcripts, summaries, and call outcome tags added automatically to the customer’s FOCUS profile at the end of the call. This allows you to focus on the task at hand engaging with your customers to create lasting experiences – while revolutionizing how you handle phone calls and follow-up tasks within your CRM.

Conversation AI example

Benefits of Conversation AI

Woman on telephone having a conversation with dealership
  • Transparent
    Eliminate miscommunications during follow-up with full call transcripts from previous conversations.
  • Convenient
    Review brief call summaries from conversations with customers who need attention.
  • Productive
    Quickly search and filter calls with specific results using call outcome tags.
  • Automatic
    Receive alerts for specified call tags, such as “Upset Customer” or “Ready to Buy” to speed up response time.

Phone Call Follow-Up

Review call summaries and call outcome tags for the conversations customers have with your dealership.

Example of focus conversation dashboard

Review Full Call Transcripts

Review full call transcripts for each phone conversation within the customer’s FOCUS profile.

Example of a call transcript

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