Engagement AI

Leverage AI to engage internet leads via conversational text messages to improve your sales team’s productivity.

How many times do you reach out to a new internet lead before you get a response, if you get a response?  How long does it take to craft the perfect first message hoping to increase your engagement rates? You have other customers you could be working with, why spend another minute sending texts that go unanswered?

Reduce the time you spend communicating with internet leads who aren’t ready to buy. Engagement AI sends the first message based on the customer’s interest, answers any questions they may have, and guides them toward a meeting with your sales team. Your salespeople will be notified through FOCUS once the new lead has indicated true interest and schedules an in-person appointment or phone call.

Person texting on a cell phone.

Benefits of Engagement AI

Sales person and cusotmer having an appointment in a car dealership.
  • Efficient
    Reduce the time your sales team spends communicating with leads who aren’t ready to buy.
  • Productive
    Prioritize high-value leads with automatic notifications when a customer schedules a call or appointment.
  • Automated
    Improve engagement rates with conversational text messages sent automatically.
  • Convenient
    Focus on other tasks and priorities while appointments and calls are scheduled on your behalf.
  • Profitable
    Increase sales opportunities with the ability to focus on the most important leads when they are ready to buy.

From Conversation to Appointment

Review the conversations Engagement AI has with your customers and use the information to engage and answer any additional questions.

FOCUS dashbaord page showing the timeline of Engagement AI with the customer.

Appointment Preparation

Review the full text conversation between your customer and Engagement AI to quickly prepare for the appointment.

Example of a texting transcript

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